Salesforce API and Integration | Proximity

Feeling frustrated by disjointed solutions?

Having a system that can seamlessly integrate with other platforms and services is crucial for efficient operations. Our platform is designed with this in mind, offering robust APIs and integration capabilities.

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Integrate your digital world to create an ever-evolving hub of capability

Connect your data sources

Data and digital capabilities are no use when they don’t work together. We can connect all your solutions and give you a single view of the customer (and your brand).

The full power of Salesforce at your fingertips

Take your pick from the whole suite of tested, trusted and managed Salesforce APIs. It’s seamless and assisted enhancement, without the maintenance.

Off-the-shelf not for you?

Don’t settle for less than your vision. We will happily deliver on custom requests and are always working on new integrations. Just tell us what you need.

We leverage all of the robust Salesforce API options

  • Manage, Develop, Adapt

    Secure the lifecycle of your data needs – from cleaning to innovating.

  • Continued Support

    We’re always here to help, from the first workshop onwards.

  • Collaborative

    The Power of Community

    Draw on a valuable community surrounding Salesforce solutions.


Read how Rodd & Gunn boosted clienteling outreach 10x

Case Study

Our Platform


All beautifully wrapped up in a single retail platform, the Retail Super-App empowers employees to engage, source and transact in one smooth journey.

Explore Our Modules

Tangible Results

Achieve your goals with Proximity. Our features and modules are designed to help you succeed; and to curate the most impactful brand experiences possible. From creating highly personalised moments to maximising the value of your data, Proximity makes your strategic vision a reality.

Explore Our Tangible Results



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Bring your customers closer

In today’s digital age, creating meaningful connections with customers is more important than ever. Our innovative solutions are designed to help you bring your customers closer and foster lasting relationships.


  • Can you help us with integrations?

    Yes! Our team is available to support your integrations.

  • How can we prepare our data?

    If you need support with cleaning, collecting, or connecting your data, we’ll be there. All your data preparation needs will be explored in our initial workshops.

  • What is an API?

    An API (Application Programming Interface) is a set of rules or protocols that let software applications communicate with each other to exchange data, features, and functionality.

  • What is API integration?

    API integration is the process of using APIs to connect two or more software systems in order to facilitate the seamless transfer of data. This allows the systems to work together, enhancing productivity and driving revenue.